Sunday, February 28, 2010

"The Buzz About Bees"

Join us for an informative, exciting lecture on Bees given by  local bee keeper Craig Foskit on Saturday, March 20th at 11:00am.

Craig will show us an actual bee hive (minus the bees) and explain the equipment necessary to keep bees. We will have available some shrubs that attract bees and most importantly we will learn why keeping our bee population healthy is so crucial to our food supply and the future of all flower growing in our future.

Stay after the Bee lecture and join in on a hands-on demo of choosing the right plants for the right container. Reservations required. Please call for details 252-634-3437


"SunPatiens" is probably the best annual that has come along in  a long time and this is why... We all love the looks, colors and lush growth the impatiens put out and from time-to-time we have all tried to push the envelope by planting them where they are getting more sun than they really want - most times a recipe for disaster. Fast foward...
Pinecone Perennials now has the brand new introduction out called SunPatiens. This wonderful, fast growing annual is only to be used in the full sun. If you want impatiens for the shade, stick to the standard impatiens. If you are looking for a new look in your sunny garden or container planting, this annual is for you.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Camellia Club Coming to Town!

Exciting news for those who love          camellias!                                              Join us for our first meeting of the Twin Rivers Camellia Club on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 at 6:30 pm at Pincone Perennials   4136 M.L. King. Blvd. New Bern                                                                                             Matt Hunter, NC Director, American Camellia Society, will welcome the newest ACS club - ours to the society and present everyone with an overview of camellia culture, along with many photos of varieties easily grown in our eastern NC climate.                                                                                  No need to be a member - all are welcome!                                                                                               Call with any questions Simone Houle 252-636-0064 or Pat Sager 252-524-6609

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Early Veggies Are Here!

Ready, set, go!

The cool weather vegetables are in and ready to be set out.
There is brocolli, cauliflower, 4 different kinds of lettuce and more.
Get your soil ready and hopefully the weather will follow suit so we can all get a jump start on our spring garden.

Wordless Wednesday

Monday, February 22, 2010

A Funny Quote...

"I had a rose named after me and I was flattered but not very pleased to read the description in the catalog: "No good in bed, but fine against the wall."

Eleanor Roosevelt

Monday, February 15, 2010

Tips for Healthy Houseplants

"Check your plants for salt build-up

Using tap water for your indoor plants is fine, but after awhile you may notice some white or yellowish crusty material on the soil surface. This is salt build-up. City water has flouride and chlorine, both are types of salt. If you soften the water too, then you may have even more!

Usually if there is enough salt on the surface to be noticed, then it's time to re-pot your plants. You can bring them to us and we will do it for you for a small charge."

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Felder Rushing's Funny Valentine

For a funny valentine go to Felder Rushing's web-site and click on

"Garden Hearts"

Monday, February 8, 2010

Bring Spring color indoors now!

Forcing winter branches into color

The holidays are over, but your home doesn't have to look any less cheerful. Force branches of plants like forsythias, lilac, witch hazel, cherries, etc. for winter color and fragrance.

Forcing or coaxing is really persuading the branches into believing that their time to bloom has finally arrived. You can coax many types of flowering shrubs and trees - but timing is everything. First, the plant needs to be out of the dormant phase, you will see the flower buds a bit swollen. Second, the closer the ornamental is to it's real blooming time, the less time you have to wait for forced blooms.

Remember: mimic springtime. Warmth is important, but not too fast or the flowers will get stunted and the colors faint.

Se us for a list of local favorites easy to force...

Friday, February 5, 2010

Orchid Special!

She won't want the calories so forget the box of chocolates. Give her something that will bloom for many months and last for many years...

Valentines Day Special
exotic orchids
full of buds and blooms now on special for $10.00 ea. (3 inch pots only)

Valentines Day

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

Every Wednesday I am going to post a photo of something blooming or just plain looking good in my garden, greenhouse or perhaps from someone elses garden.

I am calling it Wordless Wednesday - let us just enjoy the beauty of the plants or sights in the gardens. Maybe by viewing the photographs we all as gardeners will be inspired and sometimes that is all we need to make us smile and forget about all the struggles in everyday life.

Our 2010 Pottery is here!

Our 2010 order has arrived! Every color, every style and variety are beautiful and will add wonderful color to your patio, garden or inside living area.
Come browse the large selection and get the first choice and $5.00 off a purchase of a pot that retails for $25.00 or more-mention this at time of purchase.