Friday, November 26, 2010

Deck the Halls!

Get ready to deck the halls with poinsettias in every size, color and variety. Rob has done a great job of growing all of our poinsettias and all are exceptionally beautiful this year - decorate your own home or office or surprise friends and families with a wonderful gift - remember we deliver!
The christmas trees have arrived right from our North Carolina mountains and are fresh and wonderfully shaped.
We also have fresh mixed greens bouquets, Christmas cactus, cyclamen and more.
Stop to see us and get in the spirit for this wonderful season ahead!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Crab Pot Trees are Here!

The Crab Pot Trees have arrived and are already moving fast!
We have them in the ususal various sizes - 2,3,4, and 6' and a new size this year - a very cute little 1 1/2' table top, perfect size for a child's room.
Add something to your indoor or outdoor decorations this Christmas season.

Amaryllis - Now is the Time!

Now is the time to plant those wonderful holiday bulbs that will put on such a show amongst the poinsettias at Christmas.
We have huge bulbs now in stock in seven colors.
Plant them in a well-drained pot (not much bigger than the bulb since they like to be crowded). In  6-8 weeks those beautiful trumpet-shaped flowers will appear. Make sure when planting that a 1/3 of the bulb sits above the soil and water sparingly.

Don't forget, these bulbs are terrific, very hardy perennials that should be planted out in your gardens come spring.