Monday, October 31, 2011

Pinecone Perennials ONE DAY DEAL!

Saturday, November 5th ONLY

All One Gallon Perennials

50% OFF

Fall is a great time to plant for BIGGER,BETTER flowers next year

Well worth the investment!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Amaryllis, Wreath orders, and Poinsettias!

Looking at the pages of the calendar turning  so quickly toward winter and therefore the holidays, I thought I would remind everyone that it is time to plant your Amaryllis bulbs so that they will be blooming for Christmas. We have two sizes and quite a few colors available so find your favorite silver bowl or glass container and plant some winter cheer! 

amaryllis1decorated wreath



We are taking orders for our handmade wreaths and poinsettias at this time also. Give us a call and we will get you on our list. We will start making the wreaths the week of Thanksgiving and poinsettias will be available anytime from November 26th on.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

We are MUM FEST Ready!

We have beautiful BIG mums in every color ! mum varieties

Our pansies and violas are in also just waiting to replace the annuals and insure continuous color in our containers and gardens for the cooler months ahead. Bring your pots in and we will design and fill them with riotous color!
