Friday, August 14, 2015

Something fun and new at The Purple Orchid gift shop...
a personal invitation to all my favorite gardeners:

Cravin Wine in the Garden
Pinecone Home & Garden and
“Cravin Wine”
Invite you to a Wine Tasting at Pinecone Home & Garden
Thursday September 10th  5:30-7:00pm
$15.00 per person (3 different wines and food pairings)
Not mandatory but would be nice...RSVP

Pinecone Home & Garden  252-670-8771 or Cravin Wine 252-514-2675

Please come and bring a friend!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

1/2 Price and still beautiful!

Half Price and Still Beautiful!

All of our perennials, annuals and hanging baskets are now
1/2 Price
Having a party, picnic or just want to freshen up the gardens, patio or porch?
Stop in and take advantage of all the color still available