Sunday, February 20, 2011

Cool weather veggies are ready!

mix lettuceGet the hoe, rake and shovels ready, it’s time to plant cool weather vegetables. Think of all the delicious side dishes or colorful salads you could enjoy from growing your own veggies. We have broccoli, cabbage, collards, lettuce, spinach, swiss chard, onions and more. And the salad bowls, let me tell you about our beautiful pots of mixed lettuces, cute, plump radishes, spinach, chard, arugula and more in 8” pots that are brimming with wonderfully textured shades of green. Just set the pots on your back steps, patio or porch. Then at dinner time step out the door and snip and toss a fresh salad colorful, crispy and tasty you will want to skip the steak!
swiss chard

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