Saturday, September 22, 2012

Camellia Workshop Sept 29, 2012

Camellias – a must for the
southern garden!
camellia bloom
How could you beat the fact that the Camellia has all the characteristics all other shrubs would envy over?
They are evergreen, have absolutely gorgeous flowers in many colors and sizes, are dwarf, mid-size or tall growing, there are varieties that will grow in sun or shade, low maintenance, usually pest free and surprisingly deer resistant! See what I mean? Makes you want to run right out and get one, or two!
Saturday, September 29th 10:00am              
Our workshop that will cover all the specifics for choosing the correct Camellia variety for your use, how to feed, prune, maintain and enjoy this wonderful specimen. We will have approximately 100 plants on hand!

Future workshops:
Saturday, October 6th 10am
“Pansies”- the perfect fall through spring flower. Did you know we grow over 25 colors of these long lasting gems?
Saturday, October 20th 11am
“Pick, plant and perfect your winter container” Bring your own container or choose one of ours. We will be instructing how to choose the best plants for the fall-winter seasons and how to design a combination that endure the cold weather and make you ooh and ahh every time you pass by. Registration: $5.00 per person and the price of plants, soil and container. Please call to sign up 634-3437. Limited to 20.

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