Monday, March 31, 2014

HELLO APRIL!!!  Well, we knew Spring would eventually win….even if it took a beating this year.  We have the most amazing selection of Flowering trees in the store right now...  Multiple varieties of Red buds; lavender twist rb.jpgLavender Twist, (a weeping variety), Merlot…(Purple leaves!), Oklahoma and Chinese.  We have Higan Cherry, a lovely weeping variety, Yoshino Cherry, and Kwanzan Cherry.  korean stewartia.jpghigan cherry.jpg

We have Korean Stewartia, which only gets more amazing in the fall…...

Paperbark Maples, krauter plum.jpgKrauter’s Vesuvius Plums, (one of my favorites), White Fringetrees, Dogwoods, Genie Magnolias, river birch.jpg

and terrific looking River Birch….(I know not really a flowering tree but worth mentioning none the less)…..                  

We are so excited about our tree selection, we just needed to share it!  See you soon!

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