Friday, June 27, 2014


News for our Pinecone Veggie Co-Op folks...
I have sent out an email to all of you who have signed up for the Co-Op stating that the vegetables will start being available at the garden center this Saturday,  6/28. Many of your email addresses are no longer up to date and you will not get my message so I am hoping you will receive this information or someone will be nice enough to pass it on to you.
We are planning on having the veggies at the garden center at 10:00 tomorrow as long as the weather they are predicting for today doesn't get so bad that it does not allow us to pick in the fields. If that is the case, we will be a bit later with delivery.
I will send out another email and blog regarding the time frame. You could also call the store or email me directly.
Looking forward to our first vegetable get together!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


You know how it is - Hallmark Cards started inventing their own holidays so they could design and sell cards for any occasion. Well I have a new one for you!...

The month of June is "Perennial Plants Month"! But instead of purchasing greeting cards, we invite you to invest in the wonderful plants that reliably emerge from winter's grasp year after year making our gardens and homes look so lovely.

We have a large selection of perennial varieties in a rainbow of colors. There are the usual tried and true which are mostly native, so that means they are tough and reliable. There are quite a few new selections and a terrific collection of Asclepias. For all that didn't know, Asclepias or Butterfly Weed as it is more often called, is the only food source for the beautiful Monarch butterfly. Since we as a population use too many chemicals on our lawns and along our ditch lines, this plant is in decline and extrememly difficult to find in the wild. The Monarchs are on the verge of exstinction so we implore everyone to introduce at least one Butterfly weed in your gardens and help us save the Monarchs!

We still have some nice, healthy vegetable plants for those just getting started and a good selection of colorful annuals to spruce up that back patio or front porch.

Stop in and say hello and take advantage of any "Specials" we have going on...

Milkweed Incarnata - Monarch's food of choice!