Sunday, February 1, 2015

Ta Da! and Cabin Fever

Cabin fever anyone?                          
If you enjoy being outdoors 
and gardening, like me, you probably 
have "CFS" right
about now.                
That is, Cabin Fever Syndrome.
Well as usual, if I am the least amount of being bored,
I get in trouble.This year my 
"trouble" is the best I have gotten 
into in quite awhile...
I was hoping to wait until my 
new project would be completely 
finished before I let the cat out 
of the bag, but my excitement 
is not allowing me to have a good
night's rest until I share it with             

all of you!
We have done quite a bit of 
construction on our greenhouse, 
adding a wonderful wood floor, 
new entrance, etc. in order to 
add a new addition to Pinecone Perennials.
Ta Da! ...
"Pinecone Home and Garden". 
We are now carrying more gifts, 
household goodies, and even furniture! 
This is something I have wanted 
to do for a long time so I felt, 
no better time than the present!           
We still have quite a way to go
with the construction end of this 
project, but I wanted to allow 
all of you to have a sneak peak 
of what is to come.
When we are finished with the 
front entrance, we are planning 
a really fun Grand Opening 
after hours party. 
Until then, please stop in 
to see our progress. 
It will be nice to see all of you 
and it is a good reason to get out of the house!

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