Sunday, October 11, 2015

Book Signing for Local author

Our first book signing with an author from our own town 
of New Bern!
Tuesday, October 13th from 2:00-4:00 
at the Purple Orchid Gift Shop in Pinecone Home and Garden
Bring your children to hear the author read aloud her beloved story.
Refreshments served
A true story that will inspire all parents, grandparents and teachers of young children..
What a wonderful gift just in time for the holidays!

"Where There's Will, There's a Way"
by Linda Gayle Burke

Will was born with ten fingers, but they were bent and stiff. His parents prayed that someday he could use his hands like other children do. Will's cat Angel, was his loving and loyal companion. Look for her on every page.
The book is closely based on the childhood of the author's son Gentry William Burke. He was born with a rare condition, Arthrogyrposis. Yet using his hands in a unique way, he became a classically trained pianist.

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