Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Happy New Year

Happy 2016! 
We are excited about the upcoming year and look forward to sharing that excitement with you. 
Our new greenhouse is complete and full of orchids; one, two and three stem in a variety of colors, just beautiful. We also have a selection of house plants and succulents. Our new greenhouse not only will be used to expand our plant selection but also will be used as a place for workshops, lectures and of course, extended entertaining space. The Purple Orchid gift shop has been recreated with new gift selections in all price ranges. Holly and I will be attending the Atlanta Gift Mart next week, if you have any suggestions as to something you would like to see available here at The Purple Orchid please let us know!

Due to our already busy January we have only 2 extra special events scheduled: 

January 23 (Saturday) 11:00-12:30am Wendy will conduct a workshop on "Tillandsias (Air Ferns) Mounting and Care Of". $18.00 per person which will include one Tillandsia, driftwood and materials and refreshments. Limited workshop area so please RSVP Pinecone Home & Garden and reserve your spot. What a fun thing to do with a couple of your girlfriends!

January 28 (Thursday) 5:30-7:00pm Get Set for Super Bowl Sunday...we are having a Beer and food tasting (beer provided by Sugar Hill Organic Brewery, food catered by La Casetta Italian Cuisine). You just might find you'll be in another league when it comes to your own Super Bowl party when you serve something different this year!! $15.00 per person for 5 different beer selections and a variety of Italian Cuisine. Please RSVP so we have enough beer. Oops, I mean enough food!

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