Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A New Adventure!

Wendy's New Adventure!

After managing our garden center for the past 14 years and before that, someone else's for many years all adding up to 32 years doing what I have always loved to do, my body and mind is telling me it is time to venture out into something new. (no worries, I along with Rob, still continue to own Pinecone Perennials!)

I have been doing quite a bit of landscape design during this past year in New Bern and from Oriental to the Raleigh area. This design work gives me an opportunity to use my art background and it feels really good to be creative and still keep my hands in the dirt and around the plants I love so much.

As I have done with our garden center all these years, I believe in order to do anything really well, one needs to tackle what they are pursuing with zealous, energetic, passion. I hate to admit it to myself let alone anyone else, but my age has spoken: "You are not 25 anymore or 55 anymore". Bottom line - I cannot give both ends of our business my "all" full time anymore. So I have chosen to take the landscape design more seriously and start my own company, hence...
"Les Jardinieres D'Art , Artistic Garden Designs".

32 years in this business is quite a bit of time to really love what I have done. I have been blessed and lucky that I have learned with passion the horticulture field and now I am excited to pursue another avenue in the area. I have hungrily embraced the design part of the business and eagerly have gained much knowledge which I know will aid me at being successful as I go forward.

Rob and I have succeeded in our business because we have been blessed to have employed some of the most hard working, responsible, honest people over the years. Some of these people are now managing our garden center and doing a fine job of it under my direction.

I have chosen to make this announcement because I miss seeing all of you and hope to meet now and then when I am strolling around the garden center.
Also, if you or someone you know needs assistance in the landscape field, please remember me.

Feel free to stay in touch or call me anytime for help with anything!
The best to you,

Les Jardinieres D'Art  252-229-4783
PS If you are ever at or around Craven Community College, stop in to stroll through the Rose Garden and the Student's Court Yard. Both designs are some of my latest work!

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