Sunday, August 24, 2014


To all you butterfly lovers...
Remember last summer the Monarchs traveled a different route and hardly any at all stopped in Craven County before continuing on their long journey? Well this year is just the opposite! We have so many chrysalis' and hardly enough food for them (the Asclepias plant which is their only source of food)
Just a FYI: we have a few Butterfly Castles set up at the garden center so you can come in and see them change into chrysalis and then into the beautiful Monarch butterfly!

Stayed tuned for our announcement of the date when we will have a "Release " program at the garden center. We have over 100 chrysalis at the farm presently with more forming daily. When they hatch, we will bring them at Pinecone and release them into the wild so they could then continue on their arduous journey. Rob and I first will tag each one with a numbered little (very little) stick on tag onto their wings. Being that Rob is part of the "Northern Butterfly Association" and "The Xerces Society",we are seriously involved in trying to save the limited number of this butterfly. By tagging them, we enable those that then find the beautiful creature far away to know the route they took and exactly where they were born.

Please contact us for more information on how you too can help save this wonderful nearly extinct beauty. Click on the following link and learn some very interesting facts about this beautiful butterfly.

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