Friday, November 14, 2014

Saturday Morning Syndrome

I had to share this with all of you for a good laugh. Sit back, read and chuckle. I am sure like me, you can all relate to quite a bit in this article.

Do you suffer from SMS? Saturday Morning Syndrome is common among gardeners, but frequently goes undetected. The effects of SMS manifest as a garden filled with plants that appear to have been randomly catapulted from a speeding train, then smashed together into an undifferentiated mass of jumbled foliage and clashing colors.
Take this painless diagnostic test to learn if you are among the many gardeners who suffer from this embarrassing and expensive condition.
Do you find it impossible to resist the mysterious power that overtakes your steering wheel as you drive past a nursery?
Does your blood pressure shoot up like a bottle rocket on the 4th of July as you approach the shiny new plants cleverly arranged by the nursery's sorcerer, er, I mean merchandizing specialist?
 Before you buy, learn as much as you can about each new plant.
Have you found yourself waking from a dreamlike state, driving home with dozens of strange plants lovingly strapped into the back seat of your car?
Do you find yourself stumbling around your yard, arms extended zombie-like, a plant in each hand, mumbling "Where can I put these?" as you search unsuccessfully for three square millimeters of bare space where you can squeeze in just one more plant? 
If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, I recommend that you temporarily surrender your platinum card to a trusted friend or family member, ask the nursery to lay a spike strip across their driveway, chain guard dogs at the entrance, and follow this five-step course of therapy. 
Step 1: Know thine plants: Read the little plastic tag in the pot. It contains important info about the plant you're drooling on. Verify the information with a knowledgeable employee, since local conditions might affect how the plant behaves in your garden. Ask to see a reference book or Google it from your smart phone.
 Miscanthus'Cosmopolitan' grows more than six feet tall and ten feet wide. Give it plenty of room.
 When enormous plants are put in confined spaces, the plant (and our eyeballs) suffer.
Pay attention to not only the genus (first botanical name, like Acer, orJuniperus, or Miscanthus), but also the species and perhaps the cultivar or variety of the plant (likeAcer palmatum'Bloodgood' orMiscanthus sinensis  'Cosmopolitan').
A rose might be a rose, might be a rose, but not all maples, junipers or maiden grasses are created equal. Plants of the same genus-and even species-can vary greatly in their mature size and cultural needs. You'll want to be sure the plant you're taking home won't just survive, but will thrive! [Cliff Notes version: Do your homework!]
Step 2: Pre-visualize: Before you close the deal, take a mental walk through your garden. Using the information you've learned about your prospective purchase, picture where it can grow to maturity without running into its neighbors. It makes no sense to ignore a plant's genetic destiny and then find yourself in an adversarial relationship for the rest of that plant's life. We're trying to create a bit of natural beauty and Momma Nature has already figured out how to program her kids to look their best, and it doesn't involve power hedge trimmers.
 This birch does double duty, providing a shady nook and a strong focal point.
Step 3: What can it do for you? Sure, you're buying it because it's drop-dead-gorgeous, but plants often serve functional roles in the garden as well. What if a properly selected plant casts welcome shade over a favorite reading bench; screens an unwanted view, like your neighbor's rusted collection of antique bed springs; reduces chilling winds by diverting their energy; or provides an eye-catching focal point in a highly visible bed? As long as you're investing money and time, it makes sense to get the most out of each plant.
 Lamb's ear, Pittosporum'Marjorie Channon', and Richmond begonia look great together, flowers or not.
 These golden barrel cactus (Echinocactus grusonii) and Euphorbia ingenswouldn't be very happy receiving as much water as a begonia or fern might prefer.
Step 4: Think 365: Although it was probably the flowers that grabbed your attention, pretty posies don't last all year. The plant's architecture (its size, shape, density, etc.) is more permanent that the flowers. Consider how each plant's non-floral characteristics contribute to the garden scheme from season to season. Create visual interest by exploiting foliage colors and plant shapes, like combining shrubs that have small, creamy-variegated leaves with large, soft gray foliage.
Step 5: Group plants in hydrozones: Don't look for this one in your Scrabble dictionary. Hydrozone is a fabricated word used in the green industry. It describes a purposeful grouping of plants with similar watering needs to make irrigation more effective. It's the opposite of mixing woodland ferns with your golden barrel cactus collection, then putting little umbrellas over the desert plants, so you don't drown them.
So breathe easy. There's hope for sufferers of Saturday Morning Syndrome, and it doesn't involve checking into the Betty Ford Clinic or electrical shocks to the frontal lobe. Surrender yourself to this 5-step program and you'll have a more beautiful, functional and sustainable garden.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Hello my friends!

Turkey Day is fast approaching and all of us at Pinecone Perennials thought it is a good time to thank all of our customers, many who are our friends for your frequent visits, your smiles, and your loyalty.
It is all of you that have enabled us to be here serving our lovely town of New Bern for over 14 years.
So with much gratitude, we thank you, thank you, thank you!

There are a lot of new plants in our greenhouse: lovely Orchids, pretty Kalanchoes and super looking Christmas cactus. Our poinsettias are not far behind. Some of the varieties will be available the week of Thanksgiving. Anyone wishing to purchase large amounts for parties, churches etc., now would be the time to get us your orders.

As usual, we are taking orders for our hand made wreaths. If you have ordered them from us in the past, Laurie will be calling you to see if you will again be interested. If you have an idea what you want, you are welcome to call us and we will get you scheduled on our "Wreath Board". The prices will be the same as last year which makes all of us happy.

The Christmas trees will be arriving Sunday, 11/23. They are always gorgeous Fraser Firs from our own North Carolina mountains and since they are cut the day before we pick them up,  and then placed in their water filled stands upon arrival, are always super fresh!

Two other important and exciting tidbits coming from Pinecone...
1. Les Jardinieres D'Art, my landscape design company now has it's own website! Click on the link and see what I am up to.

2.Also new and exciting - Pinecone Perennials has it's own APP! Click on the following link and download the app onto your phone or tablet. All the very latest specials, sales and loyalty events will be in your hands as soon as I push the button so you no longer have to worry about missing your emails!  Hint, hint, there are some tempting specials going on right now so test out your downloading abilities! Ahh, even plants need technology.

See you soon,

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Fall Has Arrived!

Fall has arrived!

A little chill in the air is what we all have been looking forward to. Even our gardens are sighing with relief!

With a change of seasons comes many new plants and autumn decor at the garden center...

Of course we still have a great amount of mums in many colors. Then, there is the largest, most exciting pumpkin "piles" we have ever had, including gourds, Indian corn and corn stalks.

The pansies are in. Both flats and 6" pots of these wonderful fall/winter plants come in 26 varieties so make your gardens, containers and hanging baskets colorful and full of personality for the chilly season.

Friday, September 19, 2014

The Monarchs thank you!

All of us at Pinecone would like to thank all of you who attended our Monarch lecture and "Release" last Saturday. It seemed everyone enjoyed the educational part and of course the children were thrilled being able to tag the butterflies fragile wings and then let them free to fly!
We especially are happy to see that by spreading the word about these beautiful creatures being endangered, we will have others interested in caring for the Monarch's future.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Mark your calendar! 
Saturday, September 13th  at 10:00am is 
"Monarch Madness"  at Pinecone Perennials.

Bring Back The Monarchs
monarchwatch.orgWe plan on releasing many Monarchs that have hatched at our nursery and some that have come to life at the garden center.This event will be especially exciting for the children who will be welcomed to assist us tag, and release these beautiful creatures.

You will hear the dramatic story of the Monarchs, and see all live stages of  this most colorful butterfly's life cycle.
 We will have refreshments and treats for the young *lepidopterists.
  1. *The study of butterflies and moths is lepidoptery, and biologists who specialize in either are called lepidopterists. As a pastime, watching butterflies and moths is known as butterflying and mothing.
  2.     Rain date: Saturday, September 20th
  3.  Rob is a steward of the Monarch Watch Organization. He is living his passion of assisting the organization in saving this endangered, beautiful Monarch butterfly. He combs the wild, grassy roadsides all summer to find the native Asclepias plant (which is also becoming extinct because of all of the herbicide use and mowing)This plant is the only food for the butterfly and so we implore you all my friends, to include a few of these perennials in your gardens. 

Quick Tips:
The days are growing shorter now and cool nights aren’t far behind. This is the time of year to think about scouting for insects if your plants are outside. Scale and mealy bugs really can get a hold on your plants so it important to check the bases of plants, in between and under the leaves for insects there. If discovered, treat with Neem oil, cinnamon oil, Horticultural oil or insecticidal soap. Remember that these insects reproduce every week to 10 days so 2-3 treatments are usually needed to get any newly hatched insects. The eggs are impervious to most treatments. One of the advantages to Neem Oil is that the neem weakens the insects exoskeleton and acts like a hormone and helps prevent the next life cycle from happening, like laying eggs or morphing from a nymph stage to an adult stage.

Sunday, August 24, 2014


To all you butterfly lovers...
Remember last summer the Monarchs traveled a different route and hardly any at all stopped in Craven County before continuing on their long journey? Well this year is just the opposite! We have so many chrysalis' and hardly enough food for them (the Asclepias plant which is their only source of food)
Just a FYI: we have a few Butterfly Castles set up at the garden center so you can come in and see them change into chrysalis and then into the beautiful Monarch butterfly!

Stayed tuned for our announcement of the date when we will have a "Release " program at the garden center. We have over 100 chrysalis at the farm presently with more forming daily. When they hatch, we will bring them at Pinecone and release them into the wild so they could then continue on their arduous journey. Rob and I first will tag each one with a numbered little (very little) stick on tag onto their wings. Being that Rob is part of the "Northern Butterfly Association" and "The Xerces Society",we are seriously involved in trying to save the limited number of this butterfly. By tagging them, we enable those that then find the beautiful creature far away to know the route they took and exactly where they were born.

Please contact us for more information on how you too can help save this wonderful nearly extinct beauty. Click on the following link and learn some very interesting facts about this beautiful butterfly.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Fall Vegetable Plants and Mums

Have you yanked out all of the ugly tomato plants and are looking forward to the Fall vegetables?
They are ready and waiting for you... the broccoli, cabbage, collards etc. These crops are easier to grow than the summer vegetables because the cooler temperatures are kinder to the plants and there are less bugs. 
The early varieties of mums are also available - time to replace all of the annuals that have taken a beating with all of the rain we have had.
Let's refresh and restart!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A New Adventure!

Wendy's New Adventure!

After managing our garden center for the past 14 years and before that, someone else's for many years all adding up to 32 years doing what I have always loved to do, my body and mind is telling me it is time to venture out into something new. (no worries, I along with Rob, still continue to own Pinecone Perennials!)

I have been doing quite a bit of landscape design during this past year in New Bern and from Oriental to the Raleigh area. This design work gives me an opportunity to use my art background and it feels really good to be creative and still keep my hands in the dirt and around the plants I love so much.

As I have done with our garden center all these years, I believe in order to do anything really well, one needs to tackle what they are pursuing with zealous, energetic, passion. I hate to admit it to myself let alone anyone else, but my age has spoken: "You are not 25 anymore or 55 anymore". Bottom line - I cannot give both ends of our business my "all" full time anymore. So I have chosen to take the landscape design more seriously and start my own company, hence...
"Les Jardinieres D'Art , Artistic Garden Designs".

32 years in this business is quite a bit of time to really love what I have done. I have been blessed and lucky that I have learned with passion the horticulture field and now I am excited to pursue another avenue in the area. I have hungrily embraced the design part of the business and eagerly have gained much knowledge which I know will aid me at being successful as I go forward.

Rob and I have succeeded in our business because we have been blessed to have employed some of the most hard working, responsible, honest people over the years. Some of these people are now managing our garden center and doing a fine job of it under my direction.

I have chosen to make this announcement because I miss seeing all of you and hope to meet now and then when I am strolling around the garden center.
Also, if you or someone you know needs assistance in the landscape field, please remember me.

Feel free to stay in touch or call me anytime for help with anything!
The best to you,

Les Jardinieres D'Art  252-229-4783
PS If you are ever at or around Craven Community College, stop in to stroll through the Rose Garden and the Student's Court Yard. Both designs are some of my latest work!

Sunday, July 13, 2014


Unadvertised Sale for all of you who have graciously signed up to receive our emails!

Starting tomorrow,  7/14, and running until Monday,  7/21 we will have on sale:
 all trees and shrubs 25% off
All perennials, annuals and houseplants 40% off

Take advantage of this opportunity to save while having a chance to replace some tired annuals, start a new perennial garden or plant a tree to finish or begin a new landscape project. 

Friday, June 27, 2014


News for our Pinecone Veggie Co-Op folks...
I have sent out an email to all of you who have signed up for the Co-Op stating that the vegetables will start being available at the garden center this Saturday,  6/28. Many of your email addresses are no longer up to date and you will not get my message so I am hoping you will receive this information or someone will be nice enough to pass it on to you.
We are planning on having the veggies at the garden center at 10:00 tomorrow as long as the weather they are predicting for today doesn't get so bad that it does not allow us to pick in the fields. If that is the case, we will be a bit later with delivery.
I will send out another email and blog regarding the time frame. You could also call the store or email me directly.
Looking forward to our first vegetable get together!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


You know how it is - Hallmark Cards started inventing their own holidays so they could design and sell cards for any occasion. Well I have a new one for you!...

The month of June is "Perennial Plants Month"! But instead of purchasing greeting cards, we invite you to invest in the wonderful plants that reliably emerge from winter's grasp year after year making our gardens and homes look so lovely.

We have a large selection of perennial varieties in a rainbow of colors. There are the usual tried and true which are mostly native, so that means they are tough and reliable. There are quite a few new selections and a terrific collection of Asclepias. For all that didn't know, Asclepias or Butterfly Weed as it is more often called, is the only food source for the beautiful Monarch butterfly. Since we as a population use too many chemicals on our lawns and along our ditch lines, this plant is in decline and extrememly difficult to find in the wild. The Monarchs are on the verge of exstinction so we implore everyone to introduce at least one Butterfly weed in your gardens and help us save the Monarchs!

We still have some nice, healthy vegetable plants for those just getting started and a good selection of colorful annuals to spruce up that back patio or front porch.

Stop in and say hello and take advantage of any "Specials" we have going on...

Milkweed Incarnata - Monarch's food of choice!


Monday, March 31, 2014

HELLO APRIL!!!  Well, we knew Spring would eventually win….even if it took a beating this year.  We have the most amazing selection of Flowering trees in the store right now...  Multiple varieties of Red buds; lavender twist rb.jpgLavender Twist, (a weeping variety), Merlot…(Purple leaves!), Oklahoma and Chinese.  We have Higan Cherry, a lovely weeping variety, Yoshino Cherry, and Kwanzan Cherry.  korean stewartia.jpghigan cherry.jpg

We have Korean Stewartia, which only gets more amazing in the fall…...

Paperbark Maples, krauter plum.jpgKrauter’s Vesuvius Plums, (one of my favorites), White Fringetrees, Dogwoods, Genie Magnolias, river birch.jpg

and terrific looking River Birch….(I know not really a flowering tree but worth mentioning none the less)…..                  

We are so excited about our tree selection, we just needed to share it!  See you soon!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Well, we saw a glimmer of Spring and just like that it vanished....but there is always a silver lining.....and that good news is that this weather is so absolutely wonderful for your Cool Weather Vegetables!  They are here and full and ready for your garden and soon for your $1.50 / cell pack of 4 its hard to argue with home grown, fresh vegetables grown in your own yard.  Collards, lettuce...4 different varieties, pak choi, swiss chard, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, oh and perennial strawberries that are so wonderful, onions, leeks, beets, arugula, spinach and lettuce pots...mixed greens in one container! And our fresh herbs are coming in everyday!  We are here 7 days a week now and can't wait to see you.  Don't forget to check out our website, for a list of all the fun classes and activities going on at the Garden Center.  We are so looking forward to a beautiful Spring, we have certainly earned it!



Thursday, March 13, 2014

Co-Op Information

Pinecone Perennials
Co-Op information

  • We will be offering two basket sizes
            1.  $18 medium
            2. $ 23 large
  • We will be asking for you to purchase 2 of the baskets at our cost (each) $4.50 medium and $5.00 large
  • We will be rotating the baskets each week….you bring us the empty one and you pick up the filled one…..we will fill the empty one the next week and so on….
  • We will be collecting 50% as you sign up for 10 weeks May through July.  There are 12 weeks and we presume folks will need to pass on a couple of weeks throughout the season, thus the 10 vs the 12.  If you do not have a conflict and would like all 12 weeks that will be fine as well, we will collect accordingly.
               $180 / $90 for medium    $216 / $108 (12 weeks)
              $ 230 / $115 for large      $276 / $138 (12 weeks)
  • the remaining 50% will be due the first week of May on the first pick up day, TBD
  • We will start Session 2, August 1st, and do the same payment schedule.  First payment due the week of June 15th, balance due first pick up in August
  • We have asked for volunteers to come sort the vegetables and herbs on Friday mornings 10-12.  This is not obligatory, it would just make it more efficient and create that community feel we are going for.....if we have enough folks then we can split up the weeks....
  • Pick up will be Friday by noon and we close at 6 on Fridays. Of course the sooner you pick them up and get them home the fresher they will be....Saturday pick up is always available, we are working on finding and buying a walk-in cooler....anyone out there have one? :)

We are already taking sign ups. The basket money and the 50% comes to $99 for the medium basket and $125 for the large.
We have the baskets here if you want to take a look.....
Please forward this info to friends who may not have heard....we have room to grow more crops!

A brief list of vegetables we know we will be offering......

Early May crops will include:

   bok choi
swiss chard
and possibly a few surprises....never know......

June crops will include:

brussels sprouts
early peppers
early tomatoes
herbs....variable each week

July and August

more squash varieties
more tomatoes

Happy Harvest!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Au Revoir Winter, Our Veggies are Here!

I am sure that those who know me, have heard me say from time to time in the winter months, that I have not moved far enough south. This winter has exemplified that statement ten fold!
But as we all know, there is nothing we can do to rearrange Mother Nature's plans, so we grow ...
We continue to grow our seasonal plants whatever they may be...

Today, March 4th, our tender, young and beautiful, vitamin packed vegetables are ready for planting. All these wonderful "greens" are waiting patiently for sunshine, seasonal temperatures and of course you, our friends to join us in raucously cheering on the arrival of spring and saying Au Revoir to winter.

On the "Cool Weather Vegetable " availibilty menu is :
4 Lettuce varieties
2 Onion varieties
Swiss Chard
Brussels Sprouts

These are also the varieties that we will be growing for our new Vegetable CO-Op Project this spring as soon as the weather allows us to start playing in the dirt.

Reminder to all planning on participating in our Co-Op: You are invited to join our "Talk and Tea"* on Wednesday, March 12th at 9:30 am. We will explain the details of the project and be asking for your input to assist us in making our Vegetable Co-Op a tremendous success.

* Different teas and veggie quiche bites will be served. (food and drink always helps the gray matter be more productive!)

Another new Pinecone Addition...

Weekly we will publish 1 or 2 "Awesome Veggie" recipes that will highlight the ingredients including seasonal vegetables available through our Co-Op. Rob and I love to cook what we grow so these recipes will have already be sampled and rated awesomely good to share. We gladly welcome any favorites of yours that you are willing to pass on...

Bok Choy has become Wendy and Rob's new favorite green veggie. It is extremely versatile, loaded with nutrients, great in soups, salads and stir fries and is easy to grow! Try it, you will add it to your favorite list too.

Bok Choy and Mushrooms   
2 lbs bok choy
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
3 green onions, chopped
1 cup sliced fresh mushrooms
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
3/4 teaspoon salt
fresh ground black pepper
3 tablespoons vegetable broth

Cut off the base of the bok choy stalks; discard. Separate the stalks and leaves. If the stems of the bok choy leaves are large, chop finely. Wash the leaves and stalks; drain in a colander.
Heat the oil in a large skillet or saucepan over medium-low heat. Stir in the green onions, mushrooms, garlic, crushed red pepper, salt and black pepper; cook, stirring often, 5 minutes. Stir in the bok choy and vegetable broth; cook, stirring until the leaves are tender and stalks are still crunchy, 3-6 minutes. Awesome!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

                                Who  Needs Cupid ?
                      XOXOXOX             XOXOXOXOXOX
                   Give something       very special on "V" Day
             Lovely ,Living Gifts all   from Pinecone Perennials…
           Hyacinths and Tulips and Beautiful Blooming Azaleas  
         Stunning Orchids , Deliciously Fragrant Miniature Roses     
       and Bright Colorful Cyclamen , African Violets , Flowering   
        Cactus, Scotch  Moss,  Dracena, Flame Violets,Jade Plants    
           Frilly Ferns, Tiny T errarium Plants, Rex Begonias and 
              Peace Lilies, Rieger Begonias and Scotch Moss and       
                  Butterfly Plants, Palm Plants, Strawberry and
                    Angelwing Begonias, Pepperomias, Boston
                      Fern Hanging Baskets, Terrariums and
                            Pothos, Gift Certificates and 
                                       a Very  Happy

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

WE NEED YOUR HELP....Thoughts about a vegetable Co-Op?

Hi there!    Hope this weather pattern takes a vacation and Spring comes for good!  As we prepare for the fabulous weather that will be here before we know it, we wanted to ask for your input..... Many of you have asked us to do a vegetable/herb co-op, and this year we think we would like to explore this idea, but need your thoughts as we dialogue about what this would look like.  
 A few points from our side to start the conversation.....

  • We will be growing at our farm in Dover, acclimated plants always grow better, produce better....
  • We will be using organic fertilizer. We will not use genetically modified crops, they will be responsibly grown and sustainable, however, this being said, our crops will not be ‘organically certified’.
  • We would have pre-paid ‘members’ so we would know how many plants to begin growing, others could join later on but we would have to limit the #’s.
  • We are thinking $15- 20 / week for a large bushel of vegetables…..
  • We will have heirloom varieties, a much better vegetable...
  • We would want to know what to grow…..obviously we would grow a variety of crops, but if no one wants hot peppers we won’t be growing 8 varieties of hotties!
  • We would have a window on Thursdays to come gather your produce and herbs at the store, each member would be able to fill their bushel with vegetables of their choosing, (certainly we wouldn’t want someone to take all the tomatoes), but a variety of the selection, on a first come basis.  Friday we would make the remaining produce available to the public for purchase
This is the beginning of putting our thoughts out there to start the conversation with you, our customers.  We want your ideas and suggestions… the cost right, what produce would you want….etc.  We are excited about this possibility, we love growing produce at the farm….Rob is an amazing grower…..and sharing that with you would be great.
Email me at to start the conversation, we will need to know fast since we need to start growing as soon as we can.  I will reply to each of you and if its ok, will include everyone who replies into a group email so we can see each others thoughts….

Think Spring, be safe in this crazy winter we are having and see you soon!  Remember our greenhouse at the store is full of orchids, house plants, gifts and ideas to brighten your home till our flower boxes overflow with color!